What information should you send with your cold outreach?

Sending a full pitch deck now is like bringing an engagement ring on a first date. It's just too much!

Don't throw everything at them in the first contact. Give them enough information to get interested and want to find out more. In this chapter, you'll find out what that looks like, and what topics to cover in a one-page summary of your business.

In this chapter;

  1. Video: the information you should send with your first contact - by email, LinkedIn or the investor's website
  2. Examples of effective one-pagers (after the video)

Three Takeaways from this video

  1. Focus on the Goal - which is, get a meeting so you can explain your business further. That means the goal isn't; 'They understand everything.' That will take them too long. Therefore send brief information at this stage.
  2. A 1-pager (or maximum 2-pager) is a good starting point at the earliest stage. If you want to send more information, use the guideline of - 'They need to be able to scan it in no more than two minutes.'
  3. When you combine the 5-sentence email or LinkedIn message, and a one page attachment like the ones you see in the attachment below, you will have a great chance of cutting through the noise.

The topics to cover in your One-Pager;

  • Problem you solve
  • Product - 3 key things
  • Something brief about the tech
  • Why customers love it – and traction, with logos if possible. 
  • Add one fact about the market, tell them something about the team, and add contact details.

You can download the examples shown in the video, in the pdf below.

"Got any questions? Anything unclear? Or anything you liked or want to share? Put it all in the comments section on any chapter at the end of the page - I'll always follow up personally!"

Regards, David

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