How much can I tell in a short pitch?

How much can I tell in just 60 seconds?

Before we get into the content, it's good to think about how many words and sentences you can say in one minute. It's essential to speak slowly enough so that the audience can follow - and yet fast enough to show some energy!

The video below explains what the optimum speed and amount of content is for your one minute video pitch.

Three takeaways from the video

  1. You can tell a maximum of 150 words in one minute. If you pack more words into 60 seconds, you'll be speaking too fast and they won't be able to follow.
  2. That translates into around 9 sentences.
  3. Keep sentences short! People can't connect the beginning of a long sentence with the end. Target no more than 20 words per sentence, and ideally shorter.

Examples of different speeds in public speaking

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