Why You?

Every single person I've ever spoken to who listens to pitches says the same thing...

"I want to see the passion and commitment from the pitcher. I am looking for authenticity. I want to feel that they are truly in this for the long run.” Some find this easy - and some find it really difficult! This chapter will help you with how to put enthusiasm into the pitch, and how to find and communicate your Why.

In this chapter:

  1. Video 1. How to add your personal motivation to the pitch.
  2. Video 2. Finding your Why.
  3. Action Step: brainstorm Why You.
    Download the Why You? action steps pdf here

Three Takeaways from Video 1.

  1. If you are resolving a problem that you have personally experienced, that can be a way to share your commitment to the business.
  2. Find something that makes you happy about your business and add that to the pitch. You naturally become more enthusiastic when you are happy about something.
  3. Why You is separated on The Pitch Canvas© because it appears in different parts of the pitch. Two common areas of the pitch for Why You are: The Pain, and The Team.

Three Takeaways from Video 2.

  1. Ask yourself, why did you start this business in the first place? Why does it matter to you to solve this problem, or succeed with this company?
  2. Watch the Simon Sinek talk on The Golden Circle and Start WIth Why.
  3. Watch how David Batstone and Tom Szaky talk about their purpose, and see how they communicate very simply that they are consumed with their mission. Check the links below!

Simon Sinek TEDx talk; https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action

David Batstone 
TEDx talk: https://youtu.be/Ep9ArWxAJvQ. And listen to his episode on The Essential Pitch podcast here.

Tom Szaky

Action Step! Put your learning into practice.

Brainstorm and write a draft script about your personal motivation - Why You? - using the one-pager below.

  1. Brainstorm with Post-Its, and get some ideas down. The attachment has guidance for the brainstorm.
  2. Try writing 2-3 different versions - at least one short version (2-3 sentences)and one longer one.
  3. You can share your draft versions with mentors or advisors to get feedback. You can also put your ideas into the comments below, and I will give feedback personally.

This doesn't have to be a big part of the pitchout it can make all the difference if the audience understand why you are motivated to make this business a success.

Good luck!

"Got any questions? Anything unclear? Or anything you liked or want to share? Put it all in the comments below - I'll always follow up personally!"

Regards, David

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