What's the Objective? Short and Long Term

What do we want the audience to DO as a result of the pitch? What ACTION do we want them to take?

If you were telling a joke, and didn't know the punchline, it would be really difficult to know how to build it up. The punchline of the pitch is the action we want them to take - and this chapter helps you get clear on your own objective for the pitch.

In this chapter:

  1. Video 1. What is your objective? And how to separate short term and long term objectives
  2. Action Step: define your objective for the pitch.
    Download the action step pdf here.

Three Takeaways from Video 1.

  1. Every pitch has an ask – a request for action. Being clear on your objective helps sharpen your language and ensures you have a clear call to action.
  2. Make a difference between the big goal, and the first next step. A big goal could be - Raise 500K. But the first next step towards raising would be - One Hour Follow Up Meeting.
  3. Turn the objective into a clear Call To Action near the end of the pitch

Action Step! Turn the theory into action.

Take time to define your Objective, using the one-pager below. It's a fillable pdfs, so you can download it, fill it in, save and keep as a reference while building your pitch.

The Objective exercise will help you get clear on what you want the audience to do as a result of the pitch, and that will shape your pitch in small ways - and the end very specifically, where you make clear your Call To Action, based on your Objective.

Good luck!

"Got any questions? Anything unclear? Or anything you liked or want to share? Put it all in the comments below - I'll always follow up personally!"

Regards, David

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